Thursday, April 12, 2012

Master's Call - The real deal

[:1]Today I logged onto my computer after a day at work and went to all my usual websites, to see updates, etc.

Upon arriving to MMO champion I browsed over the new patch notes... Grinning as I scrolled down and saw DK changes and then...

OMG!!! WTF? Master's call 45seconds and DISPELLABLE/SPELLSTEALABLE


Master's call was already 45 seconds. It was a bug in the tooltip. The thing I want to focus on here is the DISPELLABLE/SPELLSTEALABLE part.

This is not a kind of mechanic that should be introduced in a hotfix,IMO. The main thing hunters rely on are our mechanics. Such a large change in mechanics changes how we approach many other classes, and in this case it changes fights against mages, shaman, warlocks, other hunters, warriors (shield slam), and priests. 6/10 classes. Overall I am sad that the blizzard team would introduce a large mechanic change like this and hope they look into it more as time goes on. Hopefully the CD is going to be REDUCED since it can now be dispelled.
I really hope this is changed, we don't need mages stealing it so they can get in our range dead zone easier.
Its just so laughable of a change, really.
I really like it. I'm sick and tired of owning mages and I really think that they put tons of time into this fix. In fact, if this is too powerful after say 5pm today, I think they should nerf it again.

I would actually prefer if when we used master's call it just applied freedom to our target instead. That would make the most sense.

This just confirms my original suspicions that the 4 devs in charge of the hunter class are actually only one mage with his mirror images out.
What I find strange is that this was not noted in the original patch updates, but yet it was applied without notice?

And then all of a sudden a massive change like this, which amounts to druids losing shapeshifting out of roots is thrust upon us.

Obviously it was a last minute change and something I doubt was well thouught out.
Same ol song and dance, another one of our defensive CDs are required to have a prelude for effective use.

So now to masters call you must scatter shot, or trap the dispeller in the enemy composition in order to use masters call to create the gap.

Example the classic Rogue Mage Priest:

If lucky a priest is standing still /cast trap launcher, /cast freezing trap...if luck continues wont be resisted.

Now for the mage (all while rogue is butchering your backside) scatter the mage, assuming he is within the short range which is feasible.

NOW MASTERS CALL FOR 4/8 SECONDS TO FREEDOM (not really since by the time you scattered the other dispeller (mage) your ice trap is down to 4 secs and you are down at least 1/3 of your life which god forbid if they poly'd/blind/sap your healer you will stay at.)

That is worst case scenario since there are two dispellers, but then again there is a fair chance there might always be two and usually a minimum of one. If there is only one then you can use any of our other effective CCs that never get resisted to effectively use masters call :D

I also want to make a small observation about Hunter burst lol...its not like we are OP burst gods with aimed shot hitting for around 17k (On plate min 3k resil targets) up to 25k (on clothies with no passive mitigation with around 3k resil). So in actuality we are about on par with other non healing (wait lol were still the only non effective self healing classes) damage burst output.

I do appreciate the small buffs we have received even if they are actually lateral "buffs" still a lil bit better than before.
Today I logged onto my computer after a day at work and went to all my usual websites, to see updates, etc.

Upon arriving to MMO champion I browsed over the new patch notes... Grinning as I scrolled down and saw DK changes and then...

OMG!!! WTF? Master's call 45seconds and DISPELLABLE/SPELLSTEALABLE


Master's call was already 45 seconds. It was a bug in the tooltip. The thing I want to focus on here is the DISPELLABLE/SPELLSTEALABLE part.

This is not a kind of mechanic that should be introduced in a hotfix,IMO. The main thing hunters rely on are our mechanics. Such a large change in mechanics changes how we approach many other classes, and in this case it changes fights against mages, shaman, warlocks, other hunters, warriors (shield slam), and priests. 6/10 classes. Overall I am sad that the blizzard team would introduce a large mechanic change like this and hope they look into it more as time goes on. Hopefully the CD is going to be REDUCED since it can now be dispelled.

priests can mass despell it now to

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