Saturday, April 21, 2012

Survival or MM for raids?

My dps output seems to be much higher, however looking on sites, I'm seeing survival doing the most dps in raids? How is this possible and is survival still really best for raids? Thanks.


On a dummy, I'll range from 9k-13k dps in marksman.
Survival, I go from 7.5k-8.7k
It depends on the fight. On fights like Atramedes and Conclave I go MM and fights like Maloriak or Magmaw that have AoE I go SV for the AoE damage you can do with multishot and explosive traps.
Me and a guildie were assuming it was something like that. So basically just switch inbetween bosses during raids.
i'm having the same issue, but SV is giving more damage. i played with the dummies, and SV gave me about 12k damage, and MM gave me about 9-10. this is even more frustrating, since before the patch, as SV, i was doing 15k+ on the dummies, and 19-20k in raids. now, i am pulling about 14-15k ion raids. it's driving me nuts, and i honestly cant see how MM is supposed to be better, and if it is, what i did wrong on the dummies.
Wow. Yeah MM I pull much more dps, seems we're having the opposite problem. lol. Wish I could do more dps as survival. I may be doing rotations wrong. MM, with the gear I have now, I can do as much if not more dmg than you. But with survival, you're doing WAY more dmg.

((You're opening up with 2x aimed shot when using MM right?))
I'm having the same problem deciding on which spec to go for raids. I always keep my offspec as BM for pvp so i'd love to be able to keep it that way and only use one for raiding. But then i'm torn. I'll be taking both to raid tomorrow but any opinions on which to choose?
Don't compare the specs on dummies. They stay at full health so you always benefit from Careful Aim. Marksmanship gains more from this since you will be using Aimed Shot in your rotation and crits do extra damage from Piercing Shots.

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