Thursday, April 19, 2012

Awsome new Tames! :P

Soo the new glowing eyed skin cat available in northern stranglethorn is amazing looking. I love it already :P. Also i never was a huge fan of the wasp but this new Black model i got in Silithid is pretty nice too. Going for Olm the Wise next
I grabbed the pretty yellow and purple dragonhawks that are now in zul aman....
so glad i don't have to look at my ugly green wind serpent anymore :)
and u know there going to add some kind of new spirit beast in every raid patch..... they really need to give us more stable slots >.> lol
wow, olm the wise looks pretty cool, nice vanity pet for afk'ing in org...gonna have to tame that later.
Might look into that pretty blue and green ravager that's now tame-able too.

That cat w/ glowing eyes is pretty cool but I still prefer my white skinned lion (siam-rotan)
I have had Olm since TBC when I was leveling this guy and stopped. He does look pretty cool as spectral.
anybody have a link that shows these new hunter tames?
ty =p
So uh hey remember me Mew? You tried to kill me as I was afk for the pet. Well guess who just got it. Boom baby! =P I was actually reading your post as you were shooting at me. I don't usually kill other hunter who are camping for pets, to me that seems kinda low. But thanks for letting me know your free game now. Hope to see you in some BGs soon with my pretty little pet. ;)
Yeah but u werent taming any pets at the time. and u were pretty close to dying lol if u were just a little closer for my pet to nab. Anyways be thankfull im not one of those jackasses who like to kill ppls tame lol. u know the bird seems good but im liking what the wasp i got does allot more in pvp atm. He is stomping rogues if i play my cooldowns and attacks right. And grats on ur tame :D. Im not a mind reader who knew u were distracted by my post lol. Its good ppl from my server will read my stuff though.

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