When I'm spamming an ability (say... Steady Shot) and the current target dies, I automatically target the next closest attackable mob, but it never happens on my alts. Also, my pets tend to randomly attack critters clear across the room without reason, even when they're on passive. Please tell me I'm not the only hunter severely annoyed by these things. It's caused me to unintentionally pull extra groups in heroic dungeons, and sometimes causes wipes. If anyone has tips on fixing this (hopefully without developer intervention), please, PLEASE, let me know.
If a critter gets in combat with you then your pet will go for it. Critters can get in combat from walking on your ice trap, being affected by a tanks demo shout, etc. My pet is always on passive so I don't have this issue. Just macro /petattack into hunters mark or one of your shots and you'll be fine.
As for shooting another target when your current one dies, just stop spamming attacks when somethings about to die.
Yea but they're attacking the critters when on passive. Rarely do I have my pet on any other level of aggression.
Im having the same issue with the auto targeting to the next closest. Tried playing with the interface options, i didnt have this issue with other class's. looking for a fix if possible...
Are you using a bear with Demorilizing Roar on autocast? Or a pet with Thunderstorm?
My bear annoyed the hell out of me when I took him through BFD to the first turtle boss because he would cast DR and it would hit critters clear across the room.
Yes the auto targeting is a royal pain in the ass, it has to do with 3 factors
1 - The new spell que system
2 - The new autoshoot while moving system
3 - Host to server, server to host latency
The new que system is the biggest part of it and frankly hunters should not be forced to use it due to the way our rotations and abilities work and the fact that moving will not stop the shot cast.
If we had someway to cancel all remaining qued shots the system would be so much better or even if it cancled all remaining shots once current target is dead. Eg a que per target system.
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