Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tips for beating an enhancement shaman

They have crazy self heal and crazy burst. I can't seem to even touch them half the time.
Deterrance through Wolfs and try and silence when your past 15 yards so they cant "Nova" you with frost shock
Shoot them alot.

Yep that 5 second decreased cooldown on Feign Death would totally turn the entire duel around! And thanks Incinerage, and Saralonde for the completely not useless information in regards to beating an enhancement shaman. How could I have not seen that all I needed to beat them were stats?!
Stay out of melee. They can only root you every 15 seconds (and only if you're more than 15 yards away), which means that you can Master's Call 1/3 of those roots. Deterrence, Feign and Frost trap to keep wolves off you.

I see you're BM, so I can't really provide much insight there (I prefer MM for pvp) but Intimidation on CD will greatly annoy them.
We don't have gap-closing powers (beyond root-and-run). You have gap-creating powers. Think about it.
This guy knows his stuff.


I actually came here for pet info, since I just made a Hunter, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

With the possible exception of Mages, Hunters should be the class with the least to fear from Shaman. Seriously.

In more direct regard to the OP complaint, a lot of our burst depends on wolves (long cooldown) and "crazy self-heals" require both (1) you staying in melee range and (2) the RNG working out in our favor.
2 empty glyph slots
6 unenchanted items
6 x Mystic Amberjewel
Twilight Leg Armor

just run mate, drops traps etc, FD, try to mount and get out of there.

maybe try a DK, warrior, pally or druid. they are better for tanking.

idk i like what this guy said.
Silence then during master's call for one root

Scatter for one

snake trap entrap for one

Use frost trap especially during spirit wolves, deterrence after the wolf bashes

Kill earthbind totem with your pet, otherwise it just cleanses him of all snares when it pulses

eh kite and delete your backpedal key
Kite for you life!!! Seriously get like MAX ranges on them!!!! Use every kiting tool you got!!!!

oh yea and fear the wolves with scare beast
Any post made by the scrub named Saralonde needs to be ignored. he is bad, and if you'd like, you can look up him crying how he can't make pvp work. now he's here giving advice?

without lookin at your gear or glyphs as mentioned are bad. Youre mm, Deterrence, Master's call, Disengage run like hell. Readiness repeat. your turn now to pop your offensive cd's. win move on.

you are missing two glyphs, 6 item enchants, you have 6 resil gems (LMAO) and stamina on pants. the latter is not too bad, but the resil gems are a joke.

Enc Shaman is going to try and stay in your melee range like a mage. i suspect you need to vastly improve your kiting skills.

no #**#? somoene is gonna sit in our dead zone? also yes resil gems are bad. because i mean mail stops so much dmg and we have so much spell absorb. look up glads and stand by that comment plz

lmao at dis shaman - i use Disengage as a "gap-closer" to catch bads like you that run for their life.

Feral Spirit - 30 secs
Bestial Wrath - 10 secs

both 2 min cooldown. bye.

speaking of glyphs, go there and tell me our cd is not shorter? oh and then theres sounds like a 2 minute cd to me... get lost scrub

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