So i now have about 1700 valor points, and am in the range of buying my 1st item. My initial thought was to get 2 piece t11, so grab the chest immediately when i get 2200 valor points.
However, the 2 piece bonus is absolutely awful. So now i am thinking grab the trinket fluid death, as it replaces my figurine trinket and greatly improves my dps for a lesser cost.
I guess, in short, im lost as to what the best way to approach this is. I used femaledwarf, and the t11 chest and trinket give me the most dps gain, with the trinket being more bang for the buck. Is this what most do with first purchase is grab trinket?
2 piece is pretty blah. Your ultimate goal is 4 piece.
Fluid death is an amazing trinket. Personally, if you have a way to get 4 piece quickly (does your guild down cho'gall and nef on a regular basis?) then start going for that. Though do some femaledwarfing to find out which offset piece would be the best. Previously the chest was showing to be the offpiece, with maloriak's chest in its place. But that means you need the helm and shoulders from end bosses. No clue where your guild is at in regards to those.
4 piece PVP (vicious) is relatively easy to get and is still a strong 4 piece. This is just me, but I would get the trinket and work on the vicious set while you build up your T11. Again, that is just me. You do what is best for you.
The trinket was definitely my first purchase, it only has a few sec ramp up time, and 380 agi is noticeable. After that, just start getting the tier pieces that give you the biggest upgrade.
Normally I'd advise going for set bonuses before off-pieces, but in this case, the set is only worth it once you have 4 pieces, and in order to get 4 pieces you need access to Cho'Gall and Nefarion, the right tokens to drop and win the roll/dkp against any warriors/shamans.
The trinket is lovely. The ramp up is so quick you don't notice it. I haven't checked out your current gear but take whichever is the bigger upgrade. I went for the chest first since I already had cyclone/tia's grace and then the trinket next.
I can't decide if to get the 2 piece next, or VP boots to sell. Depends how I end up speccing post patch.
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