This is a joke if you just max at 8% , your special shots that no longer use mana, but focus, will have misses on targets. I maxed mine at 17% for spell hit and I no longer have any misses on anything.
Is this the way it is supposed to be or are all the forums wrong?
3rd option, you are wrong.
I don't miss anything, and I'm at juts slightly over 8% hit rating. Short story: You are wrong and should feel bad about yourself. The only time I ever see the 'Miss' text in PvE is on specific fights, like Chimaeron, when I've got the temporary Caustic Slime debuff.
Gotta be a joke. She's got +40 int gems in her gear.
I think we all just got trolled.
No one is that stupid.
I think we all just got trolled.
No one is that stupid.
OP is that stupid.
I think we all just got trolled.
No one is that stupid.
OP is that stupid.
But then they would have to be the offspring of some deformed idiot savant super villain who had an unfortunate belief in the pull-out method, and they would have had to inherit the ability to achieve superhuman levels of stupid.
OP is that stupid.
But then they would have to be the offspring of some deformed idiot savant super villain who had an unfortunate belief in the pull-out method, and they would have had to inherit the ability to achieve superhuman levels of stupid.
Rogert Heinlein once wrote in a book:
"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity".
That was back in the 1950s, friends. Think on that for a bit.
OOOOOOOOOOOOMG 15% hit? really...just really?
And int gems??...this is just as worse as hunters enchating spirit in WOTLK or what I've seen in Cata is hunters with expertise.
Please OP do us a favor and re-read:
Please OP do us a favor and re-read:
That won't do since the forums are all wrong.
Please OP do us a favor and re-read:
That won't do since the forums are all wrong.
Im pretty sure though anywhere in there it doesn't says 15% hit is soft cap and you need to gem int
I Read all the forums and posts here and on elitest jerks, about Hunter hit cap being 8%.
This is a joke if you just max at 8% , your special shots that no longer use mana, but focus, will have misses on targets. I maxed mine at 17% for spell hit and I no longer have any misses on anything.
Is this the way it is supposed to be or are all the forums wrong?
wow.... you sure you were reading HUNTER forums?!
Actually having 3 +40INT Gems are recommended when you are BM. As it transfers to your pet at about 60%. Your pet requires about +66INT for smart pathing (staying on target when the target moves). As the OP MS is BM this makes sense.
Also the 17% spell hit is ALWAYS desired over 8% physical hit. This has been recommended because ALL pets special attacks are considered spells. Again this is recommended for BM.
The OP may want to gem some strength for his pet, especially if planning to do any pet tanking.
Just kidding, Please reread some of the forums for hunters, or find a hunter in your guild to talk to.
Yes, I kinda feel bad for my earlier post, lol.
Unless things have changed since I played:
Physical damage dealers have 2 hit cap levels:
1. 8% for 2hs
2. 17% for 2 1hs.
Even if you had 1 1hs, your ranged is considered a 2h, so you'd still only need 8% (against +3) while shooting stuff. You'd want 17% if you were a muntard with 2 daggers.
I don't think the int gems are working too well...
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